Chess Library - Overview
PonzianiComponents contains a chess library helping to create chess-related applications. This library is independent of Blazor and can be used in any .Net 6 based application.
The library is contained in namespace PonzianiComponents.Chesslib
Here are some examples, how to use it:
Move generation
using PonzianiComponents.Chesslib;
//Create a position object from FEN string
Position pos = new("rnbqkbnr/pp2pppp/3p4/1Bp5/4P3/5N2/PPPP1PPP/RNBQK2R b KQkq - 1 3");
//Get all legal moves
var moves = pos.GetMoves();
//Output moves in uci- and in SAN-Notation
foreach(var move in moves)
Console.WriteLine(move.ToUCIString() + " " + pos.ToSAN(move));
The output should be something like
b8c6 Nc6
b8d7 Nd7
c8d7 Bd7
d8d7 Qd7
Handling Chess Games
The Game object allows to process complete chess games:
using PonzianiComponents.Chesslib;
//Creates a new game
Game game = new();
//Apply moves (first 3 moves from the immortal game
//It's now white's turn to make the 4th move
Console.WriteLine($"Movenumber: { game.Position.MoveNumber }");
Console.WriteLine($"SideToMove: { game.SideToMove }");
//White is in check, this can be tested with the API
Console.WriteLine($"Checked: { game.Position.IsCheck }");
//It's now white's turn to make the 4th move
Console.WriteLine($"Movenumber: { game.Position.MoveNumber }");
//Let's get the movetext in SAN-Notation
Console.WriteLine($"Startposition: { game.StartPosition }");
Console.WriteLine($"Movetext: { game.SANNotation() }");
//Get the position from 2nd move after white played 2. f2f4
Position pos = game.GetPosition(2, Side.BLACK);
Console.WriteLine($"Fen after 2. f2-f4: { pos.FEN }");
//We can also output the position as ASCII graph
This should give
Movenumber: 4
SideToMove: WHITE
Checked: True
Movenumber: 4
Startposition: rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
Movetext: 1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Bc4 Qh4+ *
Fen after 2. f2-f4: rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/8/4p3/4PP2/8/PPPP2PP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq - 0 2
a b c d e f g h
| r | n | b | q | k | b | n | r | 8
| p | p | p | p | | p | p | p | 7
| | | | | | | | | 6
| | | | | p | | | | 5
| | | | | P | P | | | 4
| | | | | | | | | 3
| P | P | P | P | | | P | P | 2
| R | N | B | Q | K | B | N | R | 1
Working with PGN files
Ponziani also offers methods to read and write PGN (Portable Game Notation) files.
Reading is simple. You can either read a PGN-File from disk with
PGN pgn = new PGN(fileName);
var games = pgn.LoadAsync().Result;
or get the pgn from somewhere else as string
//Get the last 10 games of Magnus Carlsen (alias DrNykterstein) as pgn from lichess
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
string pgn = client.GetStringAsync("").Result;
//Parse pgn
var games = PGN.Parse(pgn);
//Output some header information for each game
foreach (var game in games)
Console.WriteLine($"{ game.White } - { game.Black } {game.Result} Moves: {game.Position.MoveNumber}");
//Get final position of last game
Position pos = games.Last().Position;
Console.WriteLine($"Final Position: {pos.FEN}");
//and output it as ASCII
This code snippet should output something like
DrNykterstein - may6enexttime WHITE_WINS Moves: 28
may6enexttime - DrNykterstein BLACK_WINS Moves: 61
DrNykterstein - may6enexttime WHITE_WINS Moves: 69
may6enexttime - DrNykterstein BLACK_WINS Moves: 38
DrNykterstein - may6enexttime WHITE_WINS Moves: 27
may6enexttime - DrNykterstein BLACK_WINS Moves: 29
DrNykterstein - may6enexttime WHITE_WINS Moves: 34
may6enexttime - DrNykterstein BLACK_WINS Moves: 60
DrNykterstein - may6enexttime WHITE_WINS Moves: 36
may6enexttime - DrNykterstein BLACK_WINS Moves: 34
Final Position: 6k1/5pp1/1pp4p/8/1P1N4/3Q4/3p1PPP/2q1rRK1 w - - 4 34
a b c d e f g h
| | | | | | | k | | 8
| | | | | | p | p | | 7
| | p | p | | | | | p | 6
| | | | | | | | | 5
| | P | | N | | | | | 4
| | | | Q | | | | | 3
| | | | p | | P | P | P | 2
| | | q | | r | R | K | | 1
To write PGN the Game class offers method ToPGN() which returns the PGN as string.
//Creates a new game
Game game = new();
//Set game header data
game.White = "Adolf Anderssen";
game.Black = "Lionel Kieseritzky";
game.Date = new DateTime(1851, 6, 21).ToShortDateString();
//Apply moves (first 3 moves from the immortal game
//export to PGN
string pgn = game.ToPGN();
This will print
[Site ""]
[Date "21.06.1851"]
[Round ""]
[White "Adolf Anderssen"]
[Black "Lionel Kieseritzky"]
[Result "*"]
[ECO "C33"]
[Opening "KGA: Bishop's Gambit"]
[Termination "unterminated"]
1. e4 e5 2. f4 exf4 3. Bc4 Qh4+ *
to the console.
Please note: The ECO and Opening tags haven't been set automatically. They were added automatically. ECO classification is another feature of the API.