Chess API
A Chess API, offering chess and chess960 related functionality like legal move generation, PGN parsing, interacting with UCI chess engines and ECO classification
Blazor Components
PonzianiComponents also offers a set of Blazor components allowing to create chess related Blazor apps. So far these components are available:
- Chessboard a component allowing to show an interactive chessboard, where moves can be be played by drag&drop
- Scoresheet a component which can be used to list the moves (including comments and variations) of a chess game either in tabular or inline mode
- Engine
a component which allows to integrate an engine (Stockfish 14.1 WASM) into your Blazor App
- EngineLog a component to output the engine's log
- EvaluationGauge a component rendering an evaluation bar
dotnet add package PonzianiComponents --version 0.5.0
Please have a look at the API introduction and at the tutorial
- Chris Oakman: The rendering and default colors were inspired by resp. copied from chessboard.js (MIT License)
- SCID: The ECO codes were taken from SCID (GPL v2)
- .NET Foundation: HSL Color determination and manipulation was copied and adjusted from .Net Core source code (MIT License)
- Stockfish Team for the great chess engine and Nathan Rugg for the port to WebAssembly (GPLv3)